About You and Me…
Shirat Miriam is dedicated to the unique spiritual role that Torah observant women have in this world- a role and a mission that today is often misunderstood. As such, it also a platform for some much needed clarity and chizuk to cut through the noisy, confusing times we now live in and to give women the tools we need to be successful.
According to our Sages,
“All generations are redeemed by virtue of the righteous women of their generation” (Yalkut Shimoni, Ruth: 606)
Ladies, this is talking about every single one of us…
We all have the potential to be a “tzaddaikis” in our own unique way.
But… to get there we need to learn how to turn distressful feelings, such as anxiety, pain, anger and doubt into opportunities that bring us closer to Hashem and our true selves. We need to learn how to properly respond to the challenges and difficulties (big and small) that surround us and ultimately grow from them. We need to learn how to help others as we are helping ourselves, and most of all, we need to do this purposely with wisdom and understanding, simcha and emunah.
In the process, we can uplift ourselves and our loved ones all while helping to make the world a little more full of light.
OK, So, Who am I?
My name is Simcha Gittel. I was zoche to become a bal’as teshuva about 20 years ago (the unexpected result of an innocent semester abroad in Israel). I currently live in Israel with my husband and children, and we are a part of the Belzer Chassidis.
All of the Torah thoughts and ideas on these pages I have come to as I have gone through my own growth process. If I’ve written it here, it’s because I’m also working on it on some level. So, no need to feel alone 🙂
Just a final thought…
According to the Arizal, the souls of the final generation before Moshiach’s arrival are reincarnations of the souls of the generation of the Exodus (Shaar Hagilgulim, Hakdamah 20).
I whole-heartedly believe that we can be that “final generation.” But, it’s up to us to create the cailim for Hashem to reveal Himself and bring the much-needed geula.
May it happen speedily in our days!