Below is a list of 17 well-known segulos for shidduchim. Where possible the source(s) for each segula are included:
Segulos for Shidduchim
- Praying 40 consecutive days is segula for finding one’s bashert. There are several variations of this segula, popular minhagim include:
Praying at the Kotel for forty consecutive days (Rabbi Yisroel Yaakov Fischer)
Reciting Shir Hashirim every day for forty days
Praying by a holy site, such as a tzaddik’s kever for forty days
- Praying at the grave of Rabbi Jonathan ben Uzziel in Amuka, Israel is considered auspicious for finding one’s mate within a year (Rashi, Yevamos 17a)
- Praying at the kever of the Tanna Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair while walking around it seven times
- Reciting Tehillim chapters 127 and 128, specifically for Shidduchim. Also possuk 32:6 and pasuk 68:7.
- Reciting Perek Shira every day
- Reciting Shiras HaYam on the night of Purim with great concentration. (Sefer Hamidos)
- According to the Admor of Sochtshov, Lag B’Omer is the best day to ask to meet your zivug (soulmate). In fact, the word “hilula” means “marriage.”
- Distributing “chai rotl” (or 54 liters of drink) to the to the celebrants on Lag B’Omer in Meron is a segula for finding a shidduch. (Ta’amei ha-Minhagim)
- Reciting the Torah section dealing with the inaugural sacrifices brought by the heads of the Twelve Tribes, Bamidbar 7:1-7:89. (Rabbi Nachman of Breslov)
- Genuinely davening for someone else to receive a shidduch (Bava Kamma 92a: “One who davens for his friend gets answered first” )
- Performing the mitzvah of Shiluach HaKan (Midrash Tanchuma; Rav Chaim Kanievsky)
- A segulah to find one’s bashert is to give tzeddakah generously for hachnasas kallah.
- For a men: learning meseches Kesuvos in depth (Zera Yaakov p.193), and learning meseches Kiddushin (Igrasa D’chedvasa p. 111). A single woman could sponsor such learning.
- To recite this Midrash in Bereishis Rabbah (53:14):
And He opened her eyes: Said Rabbi Binyomin – All are considered to be blind until Hashem opens their eyes. It is from this verse – And Hashem opened her eyes and she went to fill the cask of water. This is what is said, she was lacking in Emunah (Rav Shlomo Halberstam, Bais Tzaddikim page 85)
Sources: Some of the above segulos for shidduchim were found on: