Below is a list of well-known segulos for parnassa. Where possible the source(s) for each segula are included:
Segulos for Parnassa and Abundance
- A person should always do the following to merit abundant livelihood: learn Torah and daven for parnassa; be honest in business dealings; and have bitachon in Hashem (Segulos Yisrael, Ma’areches Mem, 18)
- In the merit of keeping Shabbos, parnassa is granted in abundance.
- Emunah is a segula for parnassa
- Reciting the 13 Principles of Faith daily is a segula for parnassa (Medrash Pinchas).
- Yiras Hashem is a segula for parnassa
- Constantly thanking Hashem is a segula for parnassa to come easily and quickly.
- In the merit of emunas tzaddikim, even when one does not understand the meaning of their words, one merits receiving parnassa in ways that cannot be understood (Ta’am V’da’as, parshas Beshalach.)
- Rosh HaShana is an auspicious time to daven for parnassa (Imrei Pinchas, Erech Parshiyos, 484 and 485). It is also a minhag to buy a new knife for Rosh Hashana as a segula for livelihood (Nitei Gavriel 11:10)
- According to the Chazon Ish, Yom Kippur is a time when it is particularly appropriate to ask Hashem for parnassah, just as the Kohen Gadol did in the Kodesh Hakaddashim, on behalf of every Jew.
- When a person recites the words from Ashrei: “Posei’ach es yadecha u’masbia l’chol chai ratzon,” he should have kavannah that his livelihood truly comes from Hashem and not through his own efforts at all (Ben Ish Chai, Ben Yehoyada).
- One should have specific kavannah during the following tefillos as a zechus for parnassa (Pele Yo’etz, Parnassa; Sefer Hachinuch, mitzvah 430): the blessing “Shomei’a Tefillah” in Shemoneh Esrei and all birkas ha’nehenin (blessings over foods and scents). Specifically during Birkas Hamazon, one should say every letter and word with care and invest a lot of kavannah when saying the words, “Posei’ach es yadecha u’masbia l’chol chai ratzon.”
- It is a segula for parnassa to recite Birkas Hamazon out loud and with much joy (Nitzutzei Oros L’HaChida II, page 218).
- One merits wealth through supporting talmidei chachamim. (Medrash Rabbah; Zohar Hakaddosh).
- In the merit of giving ma’aser, a person is blessed with wealth, as it says (Devarim 14:22): “Aseir t’aseir” – you shall surely tithe. The doubled terminology in the passuk can be explained to mean, “Aseir bishvil she’tisasheir” – tithe, so that you shall become wealthy.
- One who performs the great mitzvah of hachnasas orchim earns abundant reward in the World to Come and sees great success in this world. Through the mitzvah of hosting guests, one merits to have Eliyahu Hanavi bless him with success and wealth in this world (Sefer Chassdei Yisrael).
- One who is careful with the mitzvah of netilas yadayim merits abundant blessing (Shabbos 62b).
- Honoring one’s wife brings blessing from Above. When there is peace between a husband and wife, the Shechina dwells between them. This blessing comes specifically because of the wife (Chida, Pesach Einayim). One who seeks peace and blessing in his house should honor his wife (Bava Metzia 59a).
- Having in one’s home the books of the Zohar. The books of the Zohar create a pipeline of spirituality for protection, for blessing, and pulls abundance to the whole family – Rav Yehuda Ashlag – The Ba’al HaSulam commentary on the Zohar. A person should learn Zohar every day, and in that zechus he will merit parnassah (Harav Pinchas of Koritz).
- Reciting Parshas Ha’man is a well-known segula for parnassah.
- Reciting Parshas HaKetores is a segula for parnassa, health and shalom bayis (Arizal)
- Reciting Perek Shirah brings down abundant blessing and livelihood (Rav Chayim Vital; Sha’ar Hamitzvos, parshas Va’eschanan).A well-known minhag for livelihood is to bake a shlissel challah for the shabbos after the last day of Pesach. The key shaped challah symbolizes the opening of the gates of Heaven and emunah that our livelihood is in God’s Hands
Sources: Some of the above segulos were found on